View Report

House Registry Summary - Total Number of houses in each Atoll/City/Island

Jurisdiction Applied

HA, HDh, Sh, N, R, B, Lh, K, AA, ADh, V, M, F, Dh, Th, L, GA, GDh, Gn, S


Atoll Island/City Number of houses Owned by males Owned by females Owned by unknown gender
GA Vilingili 3432 1839 1593 0
GA Dhaandhoo 2393 1228 1165 0
GA Dhevvadhoo 1735 910 825 0
GA Kondey 630 315 315 0
GA Dhiyadhoo 0 0 0 0
GA Gemanafushi 2442 1321 1121 0
GA Kanduhulhudhoo 1274 641 633 0
GA Kooddoo 0 0 0 0
GA Kedheraa 0 0 0 0
GA Falhumaafushi 0 0 0 0
GDh Madaveli 2148 1178 970 0
GDh Hoandedhdhoo 1369 731 638 0
GDh Nadellaa 1307 698 609 0
GDh Gadhdhoo 56 25 31 0
GDh Rathafandhoo 1652 842 810 0
GDh Fiyoaree 1289 638 651 0
GDh Maathodaa 0 0 0 0
GDh Fares 0 0 0 0
GDh Faresmaathodaa 47 24 23 0
GDh Konottaa 0 0 0 0
Showing 20 from total 308 entries